Monday, 28 January 2008

Catching up

You know, however much you try to keep up with everything happening around you, sometimes it's just not feasible to blog everyday.  That's what happened yesterday, and so I've missed my first day.  I trust this won't happen too often, but only time will tell.  There are at least 3 stories that need to be put up here, but having a family, a day job and at least one private software project on the go makes it tricky at the best of times to be as responsive as I would like to be.

It should be noted that my intention is not really to bring you the 'latest gadgets' or review new products before anyone else gets their grubby mitts on them, but rather to provide an overview of events, products, technologies and discoveries in a more leisurely fashion.  In these overviews I hope to specifically focus on how these will impact on our lives, and note some potential product improvements along the way. 

These may sound like lofty goals, but I believe that improvements can be achieved in almost anything, and for the most part even small changes will have a large positive impact.  Only time will tell if this view is correct.

As there's no specific picture to go with this story, I've provided a link to the the EarthShots photo of the day - that shows some beautiful images from around the globe on a daily basis.

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