Wednesday 25 March 2009

OnLive – Deepzoom for games?

Onlive seems to good to be true.  The demo shown of at the GDC yesterday looks incredible, and certainly has the potential to revolutionise the gaming space.

This is a true example of dreaming better….web_mc_controller

I wonder if anyone at Microsoft or Sony is paying attention.  This does not really bode well for their next gen consoles – though MS has been focused on downloadable content for while, so that may be a natural fit. 

This will certainly stop another $1 Billion fiasco  - the red ring of death - hardware quality issues, but i assume the xbox 720 is already close to becoming a reality.  Not sure whether there’s any match yet – but this looks like a prime acquisition target for the boys in Redmond.

We’ll have to watch closely.

To see what this is all about, check out the video here.

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Silverlight 3.0 Beta available!

Microsoft has released Silverlight 3.0 beta to developers just before the official start of the Mix 09 conference in Las Vegas.

Silverlight 3.0 has been eagerly awaited by a large number of developers, all hoping that the magic 3.0 release from Microsoft will bring even broader adoption of the already fairly successful platform.

A comprehensive list of all the released bits can be found here.

More info to follow…

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Apple endangers the MIX

Joe Wilcox thinks OS 3.0 will kill Mix09.  But if we get Silverlight on the iPhone, maybe that helps a little?

What if all developers working on Silverlight apps (and WPF .Net apps) can suddenly target both iPhone and Windows phones?  Or even just the iPhone? How’s that for a START?

iPhone 3.0

Will we see Silverlight?  That is, will the new SDK allow browser plug-ins?

We can only watch and wait…

Thursday 12 March 2009

Again – anything with an SDK…

So, iPhone OS3.0 is coming.  Updates to the SDK, rumoured tethering via Bluetooth and USB, what more could you want?

But wait – look at the date they’re releasing it – 17th March – 1 day before Mix 09.  Any chance MS has finally managed to get Silverlight onto the iPhone?

Not sure what that would mean for their flagging mobile OS, but it sure would be a massive boost for Silverlight!

I have to say – tethering is one of those last things that the phone needs.  A longer battery life would help too, but I’m assuming we’ll see new hardware soon.  As it also has Exchange Sync, the iPhone is becoming a serious contender for Enterprise Phone.

So, is this just a dream, or does Microsoft have a plan to get their Mobile strategy going, that includes the most unlikely of partners?