Wednesday 12 March 2008

anything with an SDK 2....

Seems that the folks over at TechRadar have had some further info into Microsoft delivering Silverlight for the iPhone.  Unfortunately, the actual quote:silverlight_detail.jpg

"will look to build a version of Silverlight that will work on the iPhone, although there is concern about the royalties that Apple would charge."

does not really inspire confidence that this will happen soon.

Perhaps they should ask Miguel's team to do the work if they can't....

Microsoft - if you're listening, we're waiting!!

Windows Live Writer great - live installer not so much...

So, I succumbed to my inner need for better performance and stability, and went back to running Windows Server 2008 (x64) on my laptop (Dell XPS 1710).  I can honestly say that I'm impressed.

Server 2008 seems to be one of the most solid buckets of bits coming out of the big house in recent years, and certainly it beats the pants of Vista.

Not sure how that happens, as the kernel is supposed to be the same, but the experience isn't, and it's time Microsoft realizes this is what matters.

All the software I want to use works and installs with no problem, with the exception of my favorite blogging tool - Windows Live Writer.  The installer refuses to install on the Server.  No reason that I can see, it just refuses to do so.

Then again, even on Vista and XP the experience using the installer is abysmal.  Rory comments on it here, and does such a great job, I really can't add anything :)

Thankfully, Paul Stovell has a link to a German site that hosts the individual MSI.  You can find it here, right at the bottom of the page.

What I find quite hilarious, is that on installing this for the first time, I assumed the process had failed as there was no confirmation, and I'm used to the endlessly timewasting experience of the Live Installer.  Much to my surprise, after running the install the second time, I actually checked my start menu and found that Live Writer was indeed installed, and running perfectly!

So, can someone please explain WTF the Live Installer does?

Anyway - much happier now, as I have a stable OS and my favorite writing tool! 

Thursday 6 March 2008

anything with an SDK....

So, it looks like my earlier speculation regarding the iPhone and Silverlight may yet prove to be right. And once again, ScottGu is involved.
Yesterday morning, during the keynote for Mix '08, Scott finished up the mobile demonstration for Silverlight 2 (which included a social networking app running on Windows Mobile 6, and a Weatherbug app running on Nokia n60 (Symbian), he mentioned that they want to make Silverlight available on more mobile devices, in fact,

anything with an SDK...

So, do we see another huge announcement during today's Apple SDK press conference?

We'll have to wait just a few more hours to see.....